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Holiday Giving & How You Can Help

Carlisle PA Charity

For each person, the holiday season can mean something different. For some, it is about being around their family, whereas for others it can be all about giving back to those less fortunate. No matter what the holidays mean to you individually, here at Trindle Self Storage we are here to help make this holiday season easy going! If you are searching for somewhere to store all of your decorations once December ends, our self storage units in Carlisle PA are optimal. Additionally, the same goes for those looking to stockpile presents away so that they are out of sight from their family. To kick off the holiday season, our Trindle Self Storage facility will be having our annual Carlisle PA charity drive!

Being able to support our local community is very important to us here at Trindle Self Storage. Therefore, by sponsoring a charity throughout this holiday season we are able to leave a major impact on those in need of help. This year we are supporting Safe Harbour.

About Safe Harbour

Officially becoming established in 1986, its original name was the Cumberland County Coalition for Shelter, Inc. In 2002 the name was changed to what we know it as now, Safe Harbour. This shelter started in order to create a long-term housing facility located within Cumberland County PA. This organization is here to help provide services to those who are homeless or potentially homeless living in Cumberland County. Housing, individual service plans, and teaching the residents skills and values for future independency is what Safe Harbour provides. Accompany us this holiday season by helping Safe Harbour during our Carlisle PA charity drive!

How Can You Help?

  1. Purchase any of the following items: bed linens, personal hygiene products, non-perishable foods, winter outerwear.
  2. Bring any items you have purchased and plan to donate to Trindle Self Storage up until December 25, 2019.

Holiday Storage

You can never have enough tips for storing when the holiday season is upon us all. For those hosting holiday functions at your own home for your whole family, consider clearing out sections of your home to make room for your family. Take advantage of our month to month leases and make all the extra room you will need with a storage unit at our Carlisle PA storage facility. Rent a storage unit now and stash away presents, or reserve a unit for when the holiday season ends. Thus allowing you to have a place to store all of your holiday decorations!

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is the SEO Manager at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.